10 Must-Read Books: The Essential Man’s Library
Books are one of the best gears for training and upbringing. A good book has always a salutary effect on the Reader’s Mind. Books help in expanding the store of knowledge and also raise the spirit and thoughts. Particularly in these days of busy schedule when people find hardly any time to attend meetings and conferences, the best source of gaining general and spiritual knowledge are books. Reading of books provides a deeper impact on the reader’s mind than the other source of knowledge. The habit of reading helps to make the best use of spare time and keep the mind away from the worries. Just to read any book is not to be called as a good reading habit, because in significant books do not provide knowledge. Hence, there must be a right selection of books which you are going to read. Therefore, the 10 must read books that offer opportunity to experience, to learn and increase your wellbeing are as follows:

1984 by George Orwell
This is ultimate book for individuals who are interested in psychology, philosophy and politics. The book was written in 1948 by George Orwell and it states the story of a society in 1984 (thus at that time “1984” was the future) that is under constant war, ruled by a harsh dictatorship that influences its population. The book conveys strong issues with it that will keep you inquiring society long after you are done reading it.
The Republic by Plato
The Republic book was written by Plato around 380 BC regarding the meaning of Justice. A book that takes you along a path of philosophy and political theory both logically and historically. In this, Socrates along with several Athenians and foreigners deliberate the meaning of justice. He also observe whether or not the man is happier than the unjust man by bearing in mind a series of different cities coming into existence.
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
The Secret Book is a 2006 best-selling self-help book based on the law of attraction and states that positive thinking can make life-changing results like increased wealth, health and happiness. The book was written by Rhonda Byrne and has been translated into 46 languages.
Who will Cry When You Die by Robin Sharma
The book written by Robin Sharma looks at life from an exceptional perspective. It is a kind of gentle reminder to look onwards, to the end of your life and visualize what you will want the “complete package” of your life to look like. This book provides one of the ultimate modules for living a highly fulfilling life to upsurge from a life spent chasing success to one committed to finding significance one.
The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith
The Wealth of Nations is the magnum composition of the Scottish philosopher Adam Smith. It was first published in 1776 and the book deals with one of the world’s first serene descriptions of what builds nations’ wealth i.e. classical economics. It also traces wide ranging topics such as productivity, free markets and the separation of labor.
All about Love by Bell Hooks
The book All About Love by BELL Hooks was published in 2001. This book deliberates different phases of Love in modern society. She stresses on romantic love and combines personal narratives and logical ideas to mark her point. And the book not only discovers the role of love in our lives but also direct us with clear explanations and examples towards a better understanding on how to nurture it.
The Millionaire Mind by Thomas J. Stanley
The Millionaire Mind book was published in 2000 by Thomas J. Stanley. This book focuses on millions of people who have warehoused significant wealth and live in ways that compliantly reveal their affluence. It also discloses the unforeseen answers to some private financial questions with solid examples.
2666 by Roberto Bolano
This book was completed in 2003 by Robert Bolanos and is one of the superior novels of the 21st century. The book is filled with repulsion, corruption, negligence, intelligence and magnificence.

Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen
Jane Austen is the king of classic romance novels. Pride & Prejudice is one of the most romantic love stories you can find. The story follows the main character, Elizabeth Bennet on how she deals with the upbringing, education, morality, manners and marriage in the society of the landed elite of the British Regency.
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin
This book is a Science Fiction Novel written by Ursula K .Le Guin in 1969. It is the most prominent analysis of androgyny in science and one of the first books published in feminine science fiction category. To avail great discounts on your favourite books visit our Books category.