7 Tips To Lead a Balanced Professional & Personal Life
You spend a major part of your day at your workplace and this is a fact that most of us just drag ourselves to office and let it be like that over and over again. Deep down you know that you desperately need changes and no one else is going to make those changes for you. Indeed you yourself need to make your workplace comfortable and peaceful enough to ensure productivity. In addition to that, how about doing some fitness gigs as well. Yes, just saying that “I work” cannot rid you of the responsibility of keeping your body hale and hearty. It is not possible to engage in the full-fledged push up rounds or carry weights to office, but instead take small steps to give your body breaks when you make it work so hard.
Your happiness and healthy depends a lot on how and what you do at your workplace and not just on weekends. Let’s talk about more office tips to improve your working style and overall well-being:
1. Let Personal and Professional Differ: The modern day work involves more of mental work than physical labor, so it is extremely important for you to have a calm head. Sometimes it is good to compartmentalize your life, especially the two major compartments – personal and professional. These two should not be overlapped else your day simply gets cluttered, reducing your ability to concentrate. So leave your personal issues out of the office. If something needs your attention badly, deal with it during lunch hours or take time off work and settle the matter.

2. Socialize: No this socialize is not the superficial networking. It is about making friends at your workplace. Bond with people around, believe it or not office cribbing can be a big relief. If you have issues with people around, change the way you react to them and focus on the positive things.
3. Positivity: Though it is a personal preference, but a clean workplace with little bit of greenery and personalization can bring in enormous positivity around you and that will keep you going even through the pressures of the day. Add some plants around you, Bonsai plants can be great, pictures and motivational quotes etc. can keep you motivated and happy at your workplace.
4. You’re Not a Machine: In factories also, there are times when machines are put to rest and then resume work, wonder if you need a break. Of course you do need a break. Modern day work is not as physically demanding as it is mentally and more than often due to the mental stress, the rest of your body suffers, so learn to give your brain a break. Keep stress at bay by talking casual walks, listening to soothing music or quick tea or coffee break.

5. Eat Right: It is very easy to give in to the temptation of going out with colleagues and taking a quick bite of some fast food. It is best to keep a stock of healthy snacks in your desk for the break times. Right eating is all about eating whole foods and avoiding sugar, bread and junk food.
6. Drink Plenty of Water: In addition to maintaining your body fluids, keeping you hydrated and happy, drinking water makes you get up, take a break and go the washroom.
7. Don’t be a Couch Potato: This is an old adage addressed for children who plant themselves in front of the TV and do nothing else. Our today’s work systems are making us exactly that; sedentary lifestyle takes a huge toll on health. Human body is naturally designed & oriented to move. When you sit for long hours you are not working your muscles, so take short breaks while sitting at your office seat and stretch your neck, wrists, legs, and ankles. It is suggested not to sit cross legged and hunt for a reason to walk around the office.
It is very important to take out few minutes from your hectic office hours to move a little and get up for the overall happiness and health.