Planning a Summer Vacation on a Budget
Summer is the most exciting and enjoyable time for millions of people around the world. If you happen to be one among those people, then you have probably fantasized about a dream summer vacation in the Bahamas at least a couple of times, if not a dozen. Unfortunately for most people, the Bahamas is a little too expensive and fancy for their liking, but that does not change the fact that people still crave for unforgettable outdoor experiences under the blue, radiant and blissful skies of summer.
Usually these experiences come at a hefty price, which compels people to change their minds and suffer the monotony inside their home or workplaces during the tempting days of summer. In other words, the general perception is that summer vacations are expensive and are best left avoided. Logically speaking, you don’t want to overspend during summer and leave yourself scanty money to buy Christmas gifts later in the year.
Then again, you need to realize that not all summer vacations make you break your bank. If you are a little methodical with your approach and careful with your planning, you are sure to find ways to cut corners on your summer holidays. All you have to do is follow the 3 tips mentioned below and you will be well on your way to a sizzling beach in your dazzling summer outfit.
1) Advanced Planning
The importance of advanced planning cannot be stressed enough. Summer holidays are a must have for hundreds and thousands of families in your town, city or country. The longer you delay your planning, the greater are you chances on missing out on some of the best airfare and hotel deals. Speaking of hotel deals, if you are looking for a wallet friendly deal on summer beach hotels, then check out some online voucher codes which will help you save a fortune.

The best course of action is to plan your trip and book your tickets and rooms at least 45 days in advance. This will allow you to stay clear of the hotel and airfare rush at the business end of summer. Most importantly, it will give you ample time to do your homework on the best attractions in the city or town where you are planning to spend your summer holidays. It’s like studying for your final weeks in advance. It puts you in the driving seat on the last few nights before the big test. Just remember that 11th hour planning will most probably jeopardize your summer vacation.
2) Where Should You Stay?
If you are interested to spend your summer holidays in the sunny city of Miami, then you are most likely to look for hotels, resorts or guest houses inside the city. This is not exactly a very bright idea for two reasons. First, the any city that is known for its summer time attractions will be jam packed with tourists from around the world, hence making it extremely difficult for you to find a decent place to stay. Secondly, if you do manage to find a hotel or a resort that suits your requirements, you will probably end up paying a huge amount of money given the high seasonal demand for these luxuries.
Your safest bet is to find a place that is located in the outskirts of the city from where you will have access to easy transportation into the city. The alternative option would be to reside in a friend’s house, provided you have one living in your holiday city.
3) Visit Unpopular Destinations
The most famous destinations in the city of your choice for the summer vacation will tend to be the most busy and of course the most expensive. If you are trying to keep your feet on the ground and stay well within your budget, then it’s a good option to avoid some of the locations that are hyped about in the travel magazines or travel shows on television. Each city has an abundant number of hidden gems. When planning your trip in advance, try to dig up these gems from reliable sources, and schedule visits to these places.

Not only will you be saving an incredible amount of money this way, but you will also be enjoying the luxury of visiting a beautiful, serene and splendid summer destination that is not filled with bustling crowds of zealous tourists.
There are plenty of other ways in which you can chop off your costs during your summer holidays. Make sure you don’t miss out on the magnificent beaches, the spectacular festivals and the gleeful summer carnivals out of fear of getting your wallet drained.