Vital Driving Safety Tips for all Motorists to Observe
Having a vehicle is undoubtedly a great way for people to benefit from increased ease, convenience and flexibility when it comes to getting around. However, it is also something that can pose dangers to the drivers, passengers and other people on the road if certain key driving safety tips are not observed. This is why it is so vital for drivers to ensure that they always observe safety rules and tips in order to make the roads safer for all that use them.
By making sure you stay safe when behind the wheel of your vehicle you can ensure that you not only help to avoid unnecessary damage and problems to your car but more importantly that you avoid injuries to yourself, any passengers you have, and other drivers or pedestrians in the area. There are a number of valuable tips that can help you to benefit from being a safer and more responsible driver and following these will help to make your time on the road far less of a risk and far more pleasurable.

Key tips to bear in mind
Amongst the key tips that you should bear in mind when it comes to driving safely are:
- Avoid Using a Handheld Mobile: Huge numbers of people now carry a mobile phone around with them but operating a handheld one while driving is not only dangerous but also illegal. According to the road safety organisation ‘Think!’ drivers who use mobile phones in the car – even hands free ones – are not as fast to recognise dangers and hazards.
- Never Drink and Drive: While it may seem like common sense to avoid drinking alcohol before getting behind the wheel, a surprising number of people think that they can get away with having one drink as they will still be within the limit. However, again this is something that can slow your reactions as well as your ability to pick up on potential dangers when driving. Statistics from Drink Aware show that 16 percent of accidents on the roads of Britain are caused as a result of drinking and driving. While this is often due to drivers being over the limit they can be caused by those who have had one drink and whose responses have been affected despite being under the limit.
- Focus on the Road: There are many people who always tend to turn to their passengers when talking to them rather than focusing on the road, but even a momentary lapse in concentration can result in a serious accident. You should therefore make sure that your main priority is keeping your eyes on the road and not socialising with your passengers until you reach your destination.

- Stay Within the Speed Limits: Speeding causes many serious accidents each year on roads and motorways. It is important to remember that speed limits are put into place for a purpose and you need to ensure that you stay within them not only to reduce the risk of accidents but also to stay on the right side of the law.
- Take Note of other Drivers Signalling You: often if there is a problem with your vehicle or the way you are driving, other motorists will signal to you. This could be anything from going the wrong way down a one way street to forgetting to put your lights on when it gets dark. This could help you to avoid a serious accident so don’t ignore these signals.
- Pay Careful Attention to Signs: There are all sorts of signs that you need to observe when you are driving, from ones indicating no entry or a one way through to ones telling you when you need to slow down when it comes to speed. Don’t ignore these signs as they are there to ensure your safety and the safety of other road users and pedestrians.
- Wear Sunglasses When Necessary: The glare of the sun is another reason why people end up having an accident, as it can cause you to become dazzled. The AA reports that since 2010 there have been around 28 road related deaths a year in Britain as a result of this.
As you can see there are many things that can cause minor or serious car accidents on the road, some of which are against the law and others that are simply a case of exercising common sense. By making sure you follow these safety rules you can continue to enjoy years of happy motoring while reducing the risk of causing or being involved in an accident.