Awesome 90’s Fashion Trend Back In Style
We all miss the 90’s. From Pearl Jam and Nirvana to Pulp Fiction and Forrest Gump, the 90’s were a wonderful time for the entertainment industry and in deed, the fashion industry. Which is why we are so excited that 90’s fashion is starting to make a comeback. So get ready to whip out your old clothes you never thought could be worn again and try them in a totally different and awesome way because we are bringing sexy back and letting you in on all of the awesome 90’s wear that is back in style!
1. The Leather Jacket
Although some may question whether or not the leather jacket ever went out of style, there has been a definite resurgence of the leather biker jacket in recent years, and with good reason.
This awesome fashion statement can be worn by either gender and has a sexy bad boy James Dean-esque appeal that will send your sexiness through the roof.

If you don’t have an old jacket to throw on and can’t cough up the funds to go buy a new one, you can always keep an eye out online for sweet deals available at our site for fashion and also awesome vouchers to make things more affordable.
2. The Flannel
One of the best fashion items to come out the 90’s this grunge era, this decidedly Seattle shirt is no longer just for cowboys.
Flannel is gaining popularity and as one of the best looking casual items around is an absolute must for your wardrobe.
3. Denim Jackets
While these are certainly more for the ladies than the gentlemen, denim jackets are making a serious comeback. These cheap and sexy pieces can spice up any outfit and make your wardrobe far more versatile.
4. Long Hair
While this may not be “fashion” per say, this is an important trend among the gentleman of today’s age. Long hair is now not only acceptable, but desirable, both in the romance and business worlds.
Although the current trend is more hipster with the man bun and beard, you can still get away with Kurt Kobain style locks or messy surfer hair.

5. Ripped Jeans
That’s right! Grunge-aholics can now rock out to their favourite tunes in true-to-the-era ripped jeans.
Not only are they back, but the simple fact that 90’s music is cool again (actually it was always cool) and flannel is once again in style means that you can go to your favourite concert sporting an Eddie Vedder approved outfit with the ripped jeans, flannel and Nirvana t-shirt.
6. Converse High Tops
Like the leather jacket, converse never really went out of style, however, they have made a huge comeback in recent years that hasn’t been seen since the late 80’s and 90’s.
These great unisex shoes and extremely versatile, working well as both a casual day shoe and a hardcore lifting shoe making them a great option for any gym junkies out there.
7. The Crop Top
So this one is definitely for the ladies, but the crop top is back, and back in a big way! Likely coming back in style simply to spite parents and conservative family members, the crop top and half shirts have grown greatly in popularity over the past several years.
Just do it right and go buy one…don’t cut your old shirts in half.

8. Headphones around the Neck
While the brand and style of headphone may have changed, the fashion statement of wearing them around your neck instead of actually listening to them has not.
Go find a cheap pair of Beats, wear them like a necklace, and immediately become the coolest guy in school.
9. High Waisted Jeans
Although this particular item should probably stay in the 90’s, high waisted jeans, as worn by the cast of Friends is coming back in style along with all the other 90’s garb.
Personally we believe you should probably leave this nostalgic fashion crime in the past, but if you hop back on this high waisted bandwagon, at least you will still be in style. Find new collection of high waisted jeans at reasonable cost from Urban Outfitters.
10. Jenko Jeans
Just kidding! Possibly the worst thing to come out of the 90’s these slightly horrendous jeans are not in style, and by the grace of God, never will be.
If you happen to own a pair, do yourself and the whole world a favour and burn them as you join the world of the fashionably sensible. Thanks, and have a great day!