5 Things Guys Hate About Girls
Sigmund Freud once said “The great question that has never been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is ‘What does a woman want?” And while this may be true, we know that ladies have just as much difficulty deciphering men and their desires as we do theirs.
The basic psychological programming of men and women often times makes it difficult for us to understand what things the other likes and what drives them crazy. To make it simpler for everyone, we have compiled a list of the top 5 things that women do that drive men absolutely nuts!
1. Being Mysterious
Look ladies, we understand, you are probably used to interacting with other women who are able to pick up on your body language and physiological queues. Quite simply, we are not.
Men are fairly blunt creatures and pay far more attention to what you are saying than how you are acting, and we absolutely hate it whenever you tell us one thing while expecting us to pick up on some ambiguous physical queue signifying you really mean something else!
Do yourself and your man a favor and just be clear, tell him what is bothering you, what you want, and what you expect. In doing so, you remove the risk of losing a quality man because of incompatible communication styles.

2. Playing Games
While this is similar to point number one, most men are completely inept at the mating games that women play. If you tell a guy that you are or aren’t interested without meaning it or you play games to lead him on because you don’t want to reject him outright, you will end up hurting him and his pride.
Be clear in your intent. If a guy comes up and approaches you, he is putting himself out there and risking sexual humiliation, the greatest psychological fear of every man, the least you can do is give him a straight answer and not play games.
While you might think you are being cute or funny by leading him on or playing games, men hate this behavior it often results in many a good guy walking away in frustration.
3. Never Calling First
While most people agree, in a traditional dating relationship, it is normally the man’s job to initiate every once in a while it’s nice for the girl to text first or ask the man out for a date.
If you have been going out for a while, there is nothing wrong with sending him a message first or asking him out. Often times, guys will assume that you aren’t interested if you don’t occasionally send the first text.
All it takes is a simple “Hey, let’s go get coffee tomorrow :)” to let him know that you are interested and want things to move forward. As much as a man may love you, he hates having to wonder whether you feel the same way because you never message first.
4. Never Making a Decision
Most men understand that women love a man who can take charge and go after what he wants, especially when it comes to leading in relationships, but just like with initiating conversations and dates, every once in a while it is nice to share the proverbial burden of decision making.
If he comes up with a few ideas about what to do this weekend but can’t decide which one he wants your input, tell him! There is nothing we hate more than asking a girl what she wants to do, receiving the response “I don’t know” and then sitting in frustration as she proceeds to shoot down all the ideas we come up with.
If none of the ideas he offers excite you, suggest your own. Get creative! Go to a museum, go to the lake, clip coupons and see how many trinkets you can buy for £35 from Experience Days, cook dinner together, people watch at the mall, whatever you think would be fun! He doesn’t have to be the sole decision maker and suggesting fun ideas will show him that you care about the relationship as much as he does.

5. Flirting with Other Guys
While this should be a no-brainer, many women with an excess of male friends and a flirty personality don’t even realize that they are doing this. Nothing, and I repeat, nothing will make a guy get angry more quickly than seeing his woman get flirty and touchy with another guy.
While you might see it as harmless fun, your boyfriend is exploding from inside. Not only does this behavior undermine the relationship, it also makes you look disloyal and untrustworthy even if this is far from the case.
While we aren’t telling you to ditch your guy friends, we are telling you to be conscious of how you interact with men who aren’t your boyfriend or spouse because small things that you might see as funny as can completely ruin relationships.