An Apple A Day
As the old saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Is this true? It certainly seems that apples offer a number of health benefits.
There are so many exotic and exciting fruit types at the local greengrocer or the supermarket that quite often the humble apple may be somewhat overlooked. As part of a well-balanced nutritious diet however apples could well be the kings (or queens) of the fruit world.
1. Apples Protect Your Teeth
While eating an apple won’t give you licence to throw away your toothbrush it is true that munching away on your favourite variety of apple will help to produce natural saliva in your mouth. This reduces the level of bacteria in your mouth which in turn works to encourage a reduction in tooth decay.
2. A Cholesterol Reducing Fruit
There is evidence that the soluble fibre that is found naturally within apples works to bind with fat (found in the intestines) and that this may result in a lower cholesterol level.

3. Help With Weight Loss
There are a great number of faddy diets on the market however doctors will tell you that in order to be successful when trying to lose weight that enjoying a range of fibre-rich foods which keep you fuller for longer without a high calorie count is the best course of action. As weight related issues may range from Type 2 Diabetes to heart problems maintaining a healthier weight is the sensible choice.
4. Bowel and Digestion Aid
Again being a good source of fibre the apple helps to provide aid to those who suffer from constipation, IBS and a number of digestion related discomforts, including yet not limited to haemorrhoids.
5. Detox Power
Did you have too much to eat and drink over Christmas and New Year? Feeling sluggish and craving a detox? Thankfully you don’t need to fall back on fad diets and similar to detox your liver. Nutritionists will tell you that one of the most effective ways to “detox” is to drink plenty of water and eat fruits such as apples. Much cheaper than fashionable shakes and what not and usually a lot better tasting.
6. Apples May Help Boost Your Immune System
Antioxidants are key when it comes to boosting your immune system, helping you stay healthier for longer. Apples contain a powerful antioxidant called quercetin and so again eating this great tasting fruit provides yet another health benefit.

7. Keeping Cancer, Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease at Bay
A great number of studies into cancers, including a study by scientists from the American Association for Cancer Research suggests that the triterpenoids found in apple peels and the flavonol found in good supply in many varieties may actually work to slow or even halt the growth of cells which may become cancer cells which affect the liver, breast, colon and more.
While the research at this stage cannot definitively claim that “Apples stop you getting cancer” it is yet another benefit that has been reported by the scientific community and therefore should be taken under advisement when considering the importance of the apple in your everyday diet.
Similarly evidence from leading science has linked drinking apple juice with warding off the effects of aging on the brain. In addition to this there have been links made via research between apples and other super fruits containing “radical” antioxidants as well as sporting higher fiber content in the prevention to a certain degree of Parkinson’s and related symptoms.
8. They Taste Great
Asides from the obvious health benefits that eating apples offer there is no better reason to enjoy them as part of your diet than the fact that they taste great.
If the idea of munching away on a whole apple bores you after a while, why not consider the many different ways that this super fruit maybe enjoyed. Apples may feature in a fresh fruit salad, be sliced and dipped into natural yogurt for a delicious and nutritious snack, made into apple crisps, baked or even juiced. How your apple is prepared and eaten has little bearing on its health value, provided oils, fats and sugars aren’t added and so why not be creative when enjoying your apple a day?
9. A True Super Fruit
The key to becoming healthier and staying healthy is to adopt a lifestyle which encourages a balanced and nutritious diet, incorporates exercise, adequate hydration and of course looks to your mental well-being. To enjoy top benefits you should look to incorporate the whole package into your life. That said, if you are looking for foods which will help boost your health and are scientifically proven to offer health benefits look no further than the mighty apple.