Dating Tips For Girls
The dating world can be a scary place. But only if you let it. A few dating tips to keep you sane whilst you hold out for your white knight on his gallant horse.
Probably the best tip is to be you – It’s not only pointless but exhausting trying to be something or someone you’re not. It’s all very well pretending you love a certain band or that you’re totally committed to being a vegetarian just because he is, but that band will soon drive you to insanity every time he plays one of their songs. Oh and if your sneaking out to the local fast food place to eat a sneaky burger you will get caught out eventually. Then you have some explaining to do and the whole trust thing has gone out of the window and your probably back on the dating scene again.
Easy on the Texts – So he’s caught your eye and you have caught his, numbers have been exchanged. It’s still very early days as you’ve not had a date yet so don’t kill your chances before they have got off the ground. Just because you have his number, you don’t have to text him every 5 minutes. He doesn’t need to know what you are having for tea. If you keep chasing him on texts and calls, you may scare him away and never even get to the first date. Oh and if he hasn’t called you don’t presume the world has ended. He does have a life and he does have to carry on living it.

On a first date –At last you have got to the first date. You a bundle of nerves mixed with excitement. Don’t reach for a drink or two to calm your nerves. Alcohol mixed with nerves and excitement can only mean disaster. He wants to take you on a date to get to know you. Not hold your hair as you’re shamefully ill in the gutter. Make sure you stay safe and meet in place you know. Not too well that you end up talking to all your mates all evening but well enough to know where the nearest bus stop or taxi rank is. Keep food orders safe by ordering something you know you like. Now is not the time to practise eating spaghetti. As for what to wear, keep that comfortable and simple. You don’t have to show him all your assets and next week’s washing in one go. You also don’t want to be sitting there fidgeting all evening as your new bra that you’re not use to wriggles around all evening giving you jip.
After a new date, the early days – You’ve survived the first date and he says he would like to meet you again. Yay. You don’t have to leap around like an over excited puppy who’s about to go on its first walk. Squealing with delight is also out too. The old fashioned ‘play it cool’ works well here. Let him know you are interested and make another date. That’s it. Let him wonder about you a bit. Keep him interested without playing stupid mind games, you are above all that school playground stuff. Oh and yes I know this new chap is gorgeous and so witty and you want to hang onto his ankles all day but have a life too. He has one and so should you. You still have friends that you hang out with. Keeping your own identity and interests keeps you balanced and more grounded. Plus how is he supposed to miss you if you’re in his face all the time.

Relax –One tip that is easier said than done is to relax. Relax about the whole thing. If you are anxious and desperate to meet someone that will come across silently in your body language and your face. Nothing kills anything quicker than desperation. If you meet someone and they want your number – great. If no one is asking for your number – it’s their loss. Relax about it and carry on having a fabulous life. When you are least expecting it you will meet someone someday who wants to be part of your fabulous life.