Fantastic Ideas for Your Party to Stand Out From the Crowd
So you want to have a party but you don’t want just the same old same old as everyone else. How can you make your party stand out from the crowd? Well, you could “theme” it, but this is where you need to be inventive and do something really different. Have a “cook in” where each group of diners cooks their own food at the table. Or use a colour scheme so that everything is one colour and I mean everything! Employ an acting company to stage a play in which your party or dinner forms part of the story so that the play is acted around your guests, great fun, particularly if you choose a theme based around a murder mystery.
You could consider a famous starring guest, but getting an A list celebrity to appear at your party or event is going to cost mega bucks and let’s face it, not everyone can stretch to those kinds of prices. So who comes in at under £1,000,000? Well, you could consider Adele at £800,000 and Lady Gaga is round about the same mark. If you go into the league of Justin Timberlake or Madonna however, then you will easily travel over the £700,000 mark.

For most people, these fees are way out of their budget so are there any special angles or ways around to achieve the same end game? Well, it’s always worth just writing a very nice letter and asking someone to attend. Offer to pay their expenses and say you will make a donation to a charity of their choice. And try to put an attractive spin on your invitation…..”It’s a crazy old country house and my relatives all resemble the Addams family, but you really would be very welcome.” Don’t write to them as if you are writing to the Bank Manager and don’t grovel overly; a little flattery goes a long way but most people can spot obsequiousness at a hundred paces. They can only say no and most will but as the old adage goes, if you don’t ask, you don’t get.
So that hasn’t worked what next. You could consider giving your special event charitable status. Identify the celebrity that you would like to attend and then find out the charities they support and the causes that are dear to their heart. Spin or theme your event as a fundraiser for one of their chosen causes and then invite them to attend – it’s the best of both worlds. Ask all of your guests to make a donation to this worthy cause rather than arriving bearing presents. And an auction of promises on the night or a silent auction will add to your fund raising profile and the cachet your party will have when trying to lure your key celeb. You could theme the night so if you are using a film star then your guests could dress in characters from their most famous productions. Find economic costumes at economical price from popular retailers available at Stores/Party Supplies category page on our site and put a link on your invitations to encourage people to join in and dress up. Involve your chosen charity with the organisation of the event so they are fully aware and kept in the loop, this should really encourage their patron to attend your party rather than any other.

If all else fails, why not consider a tribute act – there are some amazing Abba and Beatles tribute bands which all roll in for under the £7000 mark. And what about a lookalike? There are so many to choose from, some better than others. Choose someone who is a complete dead ringer, with some good acting skills to boot, your guests may never know that it is actually an imposter. The dead ringer route can open up an amazing array of potential stars at a fraction of the cost of the real thing and they are all likely to be much more available as well compared to your elusive icon. It’s a great idea if you are having a themed party or fancy dress, dress as your favourite The Beatles: Style Icons and by the way, the (tribute) Band is playing all night as well.
If you have really set your heart on having a particular guest at your party then you will need to employ some guile and some strategy to pull it off if you don’t have a very deep pocket. But remember imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and if your celeb is convincing, then no-one will ever remember that it wasn’t the real person on the night.