Fruit Juice – The Advantages of Drinking One
While a lot many of you would enjoy the occasional white rum or the branded whisky, not a lot of us seriously consider drinking fruit juice.
Your fruit juice bottle isn’t that harmful to you, not like say the colas you love to drink. Brown pop or cola can double your calorie intake and kidney disease likelihood. Unlike a lot many soft drinks that you may want to have during meals or even after one, drinking fruit juice is healthy to the body and doesn’t taste bad too – as long as you know which fruit juice you love!
Let’s weigh drinking cola against some of the most obvious benefits of drinking fruit juice.
Sodaholics Anonymous – keep your calorie in check!
This addiction is relatively easy to diagnose and accept, since a shocking number of people have it. Kicking the habit of chugging a few cans of sugary death a day is made incredibly easy by adding soda to your fruit juices. The fizz factor and fructose are the perfect substitute for Coca-Colaaaaaarrrrrggghhh!

Boosting up immunity
The dense nutrients provided by fruit juices are brilliant boosters for your immunity system. The risk of cancer is reduced in a regular ‘juicer’s’ body. The antioxidants in the fruit will help to strengthen the body’s first line of defence. So stock up on those summer berries, people!
To Stop Your Stomach Going Dalek on You
‘My body is my temple.’ – you don’t hear this much in the fast food age. To deal with the damage all that greasy crud from your local joint has done to your gut, consume fruit juices on an empty stomach before breakfast. This ensures that the first nourishment you receive in the day is clean and healthy. Your digestive enzymes will become more active and your digestion will stabilize.
Carbohydrates make for great energy
Fruit sugars are effective carbohydrates that can provide you with great energy. An added benefit is that unlike caffeine and fast food, the high and blood sugar rise aren’t followed by a crash in both energy and well-being.
The Beauty Shop
Fed up of acne and wrinkles and a tired complexion and extra flab and all that not-quite-jazz? The various antioxidants present in fruit juices can reduce free radical damage to your body and pave the way to flawless skin, while detoxing or going on a juice cleanse (carrots and celery, carrots and celery) can be the kick start to a weight loss journey. Disclaimer: You’re a good deal more beautiful than you think, so don’t go crash dieting for the sake of selfies or summat.

Here are a few tips and facts for the novice juicer, the bored blogger, or the general trivia nerd:
- Bananas can’t be juiced, but their peels can. Before you pull a face, let me testify: BANANA PEEL JUICE IS DELICIOUS. You’re pulling a different face entirely now, I believe.
- Kiwi peels are juicable too! They can be very sour, however, so a golden kiwi fruit is your best bet to preserve flavour, nutrients and sanity.
- Super-juices like papaya, tomato (fruit, remember?), melon, lemon (I dare you to say that really fast) and guava juice are low in sugar content but chock full of incredible vitamins to help your body out.
- Garlic, Moringa (an Indian leaf), Turmeric, Ginseng and Barley Grass are juice-boosting ingredients that help your juice along to fight chronic illness while tasting divine.
- Avocados cannot be juiced, but if you like a smoothie better than a glass of what’s basically water, then adding avocado flesh to your juice and blending it makes a sinfully rich, guilt-free fruit smoothie.
If you can’t stand the sight of Tropicana and Tesco cartons in your fridge anymore, why not try one of these two exotic brews? Winter melon tea is a Chinese favourite to slake thirst- the winter melon can be stored for over a year, through the summer; and when this chilled, caramelly concoction passes your lips, you’ll wonder where it’s been all your life. On the other side of the world, we have something that looks like witch’s brew, but tastes like heaven: Peruvian chicha morada. This bright purple drink is made using purple corn, pineapple rind and assorted spices. It looks and tastes the business.
Enough jibber-jabber. Go on now, and get those juices flowing.