Must Have Product For Newborns
If you’re about to welcome your first baby into this world, everything can seem a bit daunting. There are so many things to learn and to buy. But while it’s easy to get overexcited shopping for baby clothes and soft toys, you shouldn’t spend too much money on non-essentials.
In order to save a bit of money and to ensure you buy the necessary items, we’re providing you a simple list of products in categories such as clothing, moving about, and feeding the baby. These products can make the exciting first year a bit more hassle free.
The most important thing with baby clothes is to understand that babies grow fast. While you need enough clothes in the right size to ensure you never run out, you shouldn’t need to get too many.
The basic baby clothing items include:
• One-piece outfits
• Leggings or pull-on pants
• Shirts
• Outer layers such as jackets and sweatshirts
• Hats and mittens for both summer and winter
• Socks or booties
• Shoes
• Pyjamas

If you are looking for a great deal on baby clothing, then Vertbaudet is running 50% discount deals. Matalan and Pumpkin Patch have beautiful product ranges. When it comes to children’s clothing, you should also consider buying second hand at Oxfam.
The early days will see you get used to changing diapers. This event will become a big part of your daily routine and you want to set up a diaper-changing table somewhere quiet and convenient.
To make the process smooth and fun for you and the baby, get yourself:
• Diapers – You can choose whether to use disposable or reusable. Just remember you’ll probably need maximum 12 diapers a day at the start.
• Changing Pad or Table – Don’t spend your pennies on an official changing table, but use a sturdy and large-enough drawer instead.
• Wipes or a Washcloth
You want to create a harmonious sleeping spot for your baby. You can do this by getting:
• A crib and a Mattress – Find a crib that’s sturdy and which complies with all the safety regulations.
• Bedding – Don’t fall for the fancy, expensive bedding. You’ll only need three to five fitted sheets to keep your baby warm and happy.
• Wearable and Swaddling Blankets

Check out Kiddicare for sleeping products. The retailer regularly runs great savings campaigns. For even cheaper bedding options, try supermarkets such as Tesco and Sainsbury. You can also save 60% with voucher codes at Slumbersac.
Moving About Gear
You shouldn’t be stuck inside your home with the new baby. It’s important to ensure your baby gets to explore the world from early on. To make your walks and visits easier, find the following products:
• Baby carrier
• Car seat
• Stroller
For baby car seat, opt for a non-used one, as this guarantees safety features are up to standard. You can find them at Mothercare, for example. For carriers and strollers, you could also check Slumber Roo and NCT Shop.
Right at the start, your baby will naturally only be feeding on breast milk. If you need additional support for any medical reasons, you can also find baby formulas. In order to make the feeding process comfortable and peaceful, you should consider getting these items:
• Nursing or Feeding Pillow
• Burp Cloths – You might want to get anything between six to ten.
• Bottles – Get enough bottles so you don’t need to be constantly washing them.
• Breast Pump – Handy equipment for ensuring you always have some milk available in case you aren’t around or can’t feed.
Later on, at around four to six months, you’ll need equipment for feeding your baby with solid food. The key supplies include:
• Highchair
• Rubber-tipped baby spoons
• Bowls – Anything that withstands being thrown around!
• Sippy cups
• Bibs
Samuel Johnston’s baby store has plenty of products to cover the above equipment and their Price Match guarantee can help save money. Again, major supermarkets also have plenty of affordable options to cover the above items.
Health and Safety
Finally, you’ll need to focus on finding a few essential health and safety items. Some of the mentioned items are not needed until your baby begins to crawl, but it’s often best to prepare.
• Baby monitors
• First-aid kit (if you don’t already have one)
• Digital thermometer
• Teething toys
• Outlet covers
• Cupboard and drawer latches
• Safety gates (if you have stairs)

Check out retailers such as Boots and Mothercare for the above items. When you are shopping for baby products, focus on three key elements: the necessity, the safety and the usability. For more information on how to raise newborns; check out tips from, and providing great advice. Try to shop for essential items first and don’t try to cut corners. If something seems too price, just shop around and check whether voucher codes are available for the item. Pick items that are easy to use and not simply pretty to look at!