Nutritious Food To Boost Your Memory
Most people know that eating a healthy diet can help you lose weight and preserve the physical health of your body, but did you know that eating the right foods can also help to keep your brain healthy? Your brain controls the way you think and act each day, so you can see the importance of trying to keep it in good working order.
You may be tired of people telling you what you should be eating, and we can understand that. It can get confusing when you are constantly being advised what is good and bad for you. All we are doing is giving you some tips about which foods can help to keep your brain healthy and encouraging you to give them a try.

Wholegrain Foods
Your brain relies on having access to energy to keep it functioning well throughout the day. Wholegrain foods, such as granary bread and wholegrain pasta, slowly release glucose into your bloodstream throughout the day. This glucose reaches your brain and provides it with the energy it requires.
Oily Fish
The human body does not produce essential fatty acids (EFAs) by itself; you have to get them from your diet. One of the best providers of omega-3 fats, such as EPA and DHA, is oily fish, such as herring, sardines and pilchards. DHA in particular has been linked to brain health. Studies have suggested that low levels of DHA have been associated with a higher risk of developing conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease.
According to research by Tufts University in the US, blueberries can help to improve short term memory or help stem the loss of it. Blueberries are really simple to get hold of and they are great for snacking on; so why not give this tasty fruit a try, and help keep your brain healthy at the same time.

Broccoli may not be a favourite food for everyone, but it is helpful to the functioning of your brain. It contains Vitamin K which has been proven to help sustain and improve brain power and cognitive function.
If you are concerned about developing dementia then you can help reduce the free radical damage which can help cause it, by including tomatoes in your diet. There is evidence to suggest that lycopene, an antioxidant contained in tomatoes, can help provide protection against this damage.
B Vitamins
Studies have shown that including B vitamins such as B6, B12 and folic acid in your diet can help stave off cognitive impairment. This happens because B vitamins reduce the amount of homocysteine in your blood. If levels of homocysteine are too high then cognitive impairment can be the result.

Nuts are great for snacking on, in moderation. Nuts such as walnuts are full of vitamin E. Studies have shown that this vitamin can help stave off a decline in cognitive function, especially as you enter old age.
Fruits Containing Vitamin C
Fruits that contain Vitamin C, such as oranges, kiwifruit, blackberries and strawberries have been shown to help improve mental agility. Of course, Vitamin C is also helpful in helping your body to heal if you have a wound and in contributing to the strength of your bones and teeth; it’s a win/win situation.
Pumpkin Seeds
The great thing about pumpkin seeds is that they are stacked full of zinc which helps to improve your memory and the effectiveness of your thinking. You only need a handful of seeds each day to produce a beneficial effect.
We have shown you just some of the foods that can help you improve the functionality of your brain. Of course, there are also other considerations regarding brain health. One of the best things you can do to ensure your brain works at optimum levels is to make sure you get enough sleep. You should also take time out of your hectic schedule to relax; activities such as yoga are an excellent way of doing this. Like any part of your body your brain needs some chill time so it’s not good to be working it at full capacity all the time; that is why relaxation is so important. Much emphasis is currently being made on keeping your body physically healthy. This is good, but it’s important to remember your mental health too, and to eat, relax and exercise to keep your brain healthy.