Shopping Tips for this Christmas Season
Every year we all look forward to the festive season but dread the shopping for it all. With retailers starting what seems earlier and earlier each year, it can add up to a costly time. With a few tips we hope to put the cheer back into the festive season and keep some of the pennies in your purse.
Budget – You don’t have to buy everything for everyone. Work out first what you can realistically afford. Then list who you have to buy for. Look at your list and see who you really have to buy for. Great Aunts Agatha’s next door neighbour’s dog probably can be crossed of your list. Trim that list. If a member of the family really wants something specific that’s expensive why not ask others to join in to share the cost.
Go Present-less – Of course Santa will still visit all the little children but maybe the adults can all agree they don’t need yet more socks or soap just for the sake of present giving. You may even be surprised that when you approach the subject with family they are relived that you suggested it. If you don’t like the idea of not exchanging presents then how about setting a budget that everyone can afford and has to stick to. Or agreeing on a Secret Santa so that just one present is bought for each person. You can add more twists like making it themed.

Buy Online – If you are giving presents then do your shopping online. It not only saves time but can save money too. You get to sit in the warm and do the whole thing in one hit or as you go. You don’t have to find car parking spaces or pay for parking. You’re not elbowing your way through crowds of bored shoppers trying to find that one gift then standing in a shopping queue for ages. It’s easier on your feet as the whole high street is in one place. Plus you’re not carrying it all either. It gets delivered to your door. You still have the same returns policies with some stores extending returns times. Always check the returns policy first.
Start A Gift List – As soon as you can start a gift list so that when you get ideas you can jot them down. There are many apps for phones that do this or just simple paper pen kept away from prying eyes. When you have bought the gift cross it off to not only keep on top of who you have got what but also to keep you motivated by seeing things crossed off your list. On some of the phone apps they can also keep a tally of your budget keeping you on track with your budget too.
Christmas Cards – As you did with present list have a look at your Christmas card list. Sending Christmas cards is getting to be a pricy job. Maybe your list can be trimmed or go modern and let everyone know you’re not doing cards but donating to charity instead.
Make Lists – The whole festive season can be daunting. Remembering what you have to do when and with who and by when can certainly stress you out. Oh and don’t forget your supposed to be enjoying yourself. Make lists as soon as the first bit of tinsel hits the shop shelves. Make a list of all the stuff you have to do and then schedule it out. With just about everyone having smart phones these days you can easily schedule things and keep running lists on your phone. As you do things you can cross it off. New things can get added too for the last minute things you have forgotten.

Don’t Be a Retail Snob – If you’re cooking the Christmas dinner, don’t be fooled into having to have all the brands on the dining table. Most of the posh branded stuff is just packaging, you know the bit you throw away and don’t eat. Choose with your taste buds instead. If you have your heart set on a certain branded cake or pudding etc, offset the coast by having more of the cheaper veg and smaller turkey. If you’re having lots of family over then don’t be shy in asking them to contribute. If you don’t feel you can ask for money contribution you can always suggest they bring maybe the spuds already peeled, another to bring prepares sprouts, another pudding etc. Saves time and money.
Enjoy Yourself – Remember its just one day. If you haven’t got a turkey that can feed half the nation, it doesn’t matter. If you don’t have every Christmas drink and spirit that’s ever been made, it doesn’t matter. Christmas means different things to different people and it can mean whatever you want it to mean to you.