Skin Care Tips That Simply Work!
Have you felt recently that you are outgrowing your age and no matter what you do the glow just doesn’t seem to come back? You are then reading the right stuff. We are up here to bring some cheer in your life by showing you ways by which you can deal with those vexing skin evils and some extremely simple DIY tips to save your pockets.
We keep hearing from here and there that washing face at regular intervals keeps it free from oil and in turn helps in curbing acne issues. While it may sound like a valid point, it is essential to also limit the frequency and intensity of the washes. Not all the skin types may require frequent washing. Excessive drying of skin may also result in skin damage like acne vulgaris, wrinkles, black heads etc. So how does one ensure that one is using the right ingredients for a glowing face? We bring to you 3 tips to make sure that your beauty regimen not only works but is also convenient and hassle free and inexpensive.

1) Scrub Your Face Regularly: The acne and black head outbreaks are something that may make your face rough and greasy. Scrubbing will help you to soften the skin and remove dead skin from face. Facial scrubs are easily available in the markets but if you want to use the most natural ingredients then you may want to try the below scrub recipe for smooth skin-
– Brew some green tea. Use powdered green tea if possible. Refrain from using flavored green tea. Try to keep it as natural as possible.
– Take a tablespoon of this green tea in a bowl and add some sugar to it. Add sugar to an extent that the mixture attains the consistency of a scrub.
– Add a little honey in the mixture and stir well.
– Apply this to freshly washed face and keep it for not more than 15 minutes.
You may want to let me know the changes you see in the glow of your face and also the number of compliments you receive after that.
2) Moisturizing Is The Key: Most of us blame the problems of skin on oiliness. However oil is essential for the skin as well. As I mentioned above, overly dry skin may cause patchiness, redness and flaky skin. Moderate moisturizing helps to maintain the pH level of the skin. Dry skin generally does not face any problems in terms of moisturizers. So I will help you all with a DIY moisturizer recipe majorly for oily skin type. However you may want to try this recipe for dry skin types also. Nature can bring in wonders for all the people.
– Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 3 teaspoons of lemon juice. Blend the mixture thoroughly.
– Add 3 tablespoons of yoghurt to it. Use natural unflavored yoghurt. For the best effect use yoghurt which is 2-3 days old.
– Mix one whipped egg white in the above mixture and stir till it is consistent enough.
– Apply to face and leave it for 15 minutes
– Rinse it off with lukewarm water and pat dry

3) Tone The Skin: The last and the final step towards your skin care regimen would be toning the skin. Toning helps in pore shrinkage, detoxification, tightening, hydration and nourishment of the skin. Although markets have a wide variety of toners available, the efficiency of natural home-made toners can match nothing else. You may want to try this simple DIY toner recipe.
– Grate a fresh cucumber finely.
– Add a little curd until it becomes of semi solid state
– Take a cotton pad and apply this mixture on the face and neck area
– Leave it for 10 minutes.
Your skin will look young and healthy as ever.
Let me tell you that the above recipes are tried and tested, so those of you who try these and feel the difference don’t forget to just drop in a review of the recipe. Just half hour a day and once done don’t forget to ask the mirror on the wall as to who is the beautiful of all.