Yoga – A Remedy For All Diseases
Practitioners all over the world are going gaga over the several health benefits of yoga. Celebrities have taken to yoga like a miracle science which can cure intense diseases within a span of few months. Jennifer Anniston, who credits every look of hers to the yogic lifestyle that she maintains, says Yoga completely changed her life . It’s one of the most fun workouts she’s ever had . So while the entire world is all praises about this ancient science, our inquisitive minds could not but be a little curious to understand the worth of such celebration of a mere form of exercise. So we delved into the realms of the yogic world and research and what we found was astonishing and ascertains the extent of credibility one can put into Yoga-Vidya.
Yoga has proven its worth for physical and mental development and psychological well being. When we talk about physical development, we read that the postures and poses of yoga have helped sustain the muscle strength and increase the balancing ability of the body. It makes you hold your breath at exactly the correct points thus maintaining the body-breath rhythm. This is how it enables us to connect with both body and mind together, therefore making way to mental awareness and psychological well being. While we connect with our minds, we attempt to eradicate the negativity. Although you may want to argue that this is more upon one’s will power than body balance, we care to say that Yoga helps to sprint between our psychological weaknesses and strengths as well thus connecting itself with will power. Scientifically, they say it helps in flushing out toxic hormones which cause negative images in ones’ neurological system, by that creating an area within the brain, which pushes positivity. Now with that kind of positivity, one becomes intuitive and remains in sync with the mind and looks for creating new things, so we say it helps in bringing out the natural instincts that one was born with.
Now if you were not very convinced, we bring to you a different set of bodily hazards that have been proven cured by Yoga. A regular yoga practice increases the blood flow, minimizing the risk of heart diseases. It keeps blood cholesterol levels in check bringing down the rate of diabetes’ deaths. People with carpal tunnel syndrome who practiced Yoga vouch for its abilities than those who use the surgical methods for it. In menopausal stages, women who have practiced Yoga have been better able to deal with hot flashes and consequential unease and fatigue.
There are more advantages to a Yogic lifestyle than one reckons what with some day-to-day ailments getting lesser dangerous in the course of the practice. One wants to advance immunity to cope with basic flu and viral infections and Yogic Surya Namaskar does exactly that. Migraines have become an extremely common phenomenon in youngsters; blame it on the haphazard lifestyle and pollutants flying around all making their way right inside the brain. And bang on! Yoga boasts of treating those. With all the advantages which involve, boosting blood flow, keeping nerves in check, adjusting blood pressure to tolerable levels, etc. it seems to have a direct positive on the sufferers. And then who doesn’t want an amazing sexual life? Yoga comes with can-be-done-anywhere pelvic exercises which have scientifically proven that sex can not only be enjoyed but can be a mind-soothing routine. Practitioners have also recommended Yoga as a weight loss exercise option; because of its effects like improved sleep patterns and psychological advantage of fighting food cravings.
So while we talk about the good things, do we forget the old adage which says “Every coin has two sides”? Yes! Yoga comes with its set of advantages but too much of anything can cause life threatening hazards. There have been cases where extreme practice of stretches and poses has flexed the nerves unnecessarily causing extreme blood flow which ultimately is known to cause hemorrhage. So while we certainly recommend Yoga, we also recommend you first find a good certified instructor. In the times of aggressive marketing, don’t fall prey to something that can cause you serious damage.